In the heart of the castle
The love between man and woman also occupies the most unreachable part of the castle. Paintings more akin to feminine feelings can be found also after crossing the last threshold to the castle, reaching the inhabited portion. Here, we find walls covered with painted roses, and a depiction of a first kiss.
But, above all, you will be swept away by the paintings in the Camera dell'Amore, one of the rooms where Tommasina Gonzaga, the wife and regent of the castle, may have taken refuge when her husband Guglielmo III di Castelbarco was away.
Protected as they were from the outside world, these frescoes in the Camera dell'Amore were probably not visible to anyone entering the castle. They seem almost like a decoration for an intimate, perhaps love-inspiring abode. They tell the story of the meeting between a lady and a knight, portrayed in several scenes. Here Cupid, blindfolded (always blind) and a little grizzled, fires his arrow riding backwards. She shields herself, and dodges the arrow, cuddling her little dog in her arms. He is hit in her place, and seems harrowed. And then a kiss between the two, while he is on horseback. Nice to think that this is the end of the story, a reunion, rather than a parting of this couple, centuries away from us.