Tres - Predaia
Tres and the Predaia plateau: walking by Summer Alpine pastures and mountain-huts

The town of Tres is built on three hills: Dos, the ancient seat of the castellar; S. Rocco, where the municipal meetings used to be held; and Mimiela. During the Roman dominion, a garrison was located there, which later turned into a wealthy stone-cutters' village.
The Parish church is surrounded by a large green park called Prà del Lac. The age-old church S. Agnese sul Doss (1300) built near the castle overlooking the hill is quite interesting. It is built in Gothic style and features two very steep shingle-covered double-pitched roofs, an awesome stone doorway and remarkable frescoes, including precious work by two artists from Bergamo, Giovanni and Battista Baschenis. There is also a beautiful church in the small village of Vion, the S. Sigismondo church documented in 1537.
North of the town is home to an artificial basin, Lake Tres, which has been established for irrigation purposes and actually adds to the beauty of the landscape. Climbing up the road to Vervò is the Predaia plateau, where a ski-lift serves two downhill ski-runs during the winter months. There are also areas equipped for cross-country skiing.
A Tres holiday offers wonderful pastimes, such as walks and hikes to welcoming mountain-huts and Alpine summer pastures. In both summer and winter you can also find a number of entertaining, non-competitive sport events, including the Quater passi ent el bosc de Tres (a walk in the Tres forest) & Maratona della Val di Non (Val di Non Marathon), In Predaia con le ciaspole (a snowshoe race up to the Sores Refuge), and Fiaccolata al chiar di luna (moonlit candlelight march) in the Predaia plateau woods.