Ronzone: tradition and local culture in a classic tourist destination of the Val di Non

Ronzone is a small town located in the Upper Val di Non. This popular winter and summer tourist destination was established approximately one hundred years ago, when its first hotels began to appear - including the luxurious "Regina del Bosco", a former Hapsburg hunting residence. Ronzone boasts a sunny position overlooking the entire valley. A new parish church in the modern Romanesque style has been built in the town-centre, while the old church lies just a short distance away. A small chapel (1692-93) is located between the two buildings and hosts a beautiful life-sized wood-carved Christ on the Column of the Cavalese School.
Several hikes on the Anauni Mountains and walks in the woods towards Cavareno, Ruffrè and the meadows in the Regole start from Ronzone. The town is also equipped with a playground, tennis courts, five-a-side football pitch and heated indoor pool.
The Museo dei degli Usi e Costumi d'Anaunia (Museum of the Customs and Traditions of Ananuia) illustrates the customs and traditions pertaining to the people of Anaunia, while the Museo delle Cartoline d'Epoca e del Collezionismo (Museum of Period Postcards and Collecting) narrates the story of the Val di Non valley through its unique postcards.
Ronzone celebrates both autumn flavours and the potato, but also organises a Biennal of Philosophy.