La via della frutta antica
An itinerary suitable for everyone in search of the many ancient fruit trees along the Via ...
An itinerary suitable for everyone in search of the many ancient fruit trees along the Via Nova that connects Pieve (Primiero San Martino di Castrozza) with the Gobbera Pass. A fun treasure hunt surrounded by nature, just a few kilometres from the villages of Primiero and around the villages of Mezzano and Imèr.
La Via della Frutta Antica was born from an idea by Maurizio Gaio and Slow Food Primiero, in collaboration with the Community of Valle. The route largely follows the already existing Via Nova that connects Pieve to the Gobbera Pass with some deviations from the main route for possible access from Imèr and Mezzano. In fact, the area is rich in numerous ancient fruit trees (pear, apple, cherry, etc.). More than 40 are catalogued in this itinerary, all indicated on the map made by Maurizio (see below).
The itinerary was designed with the intention of raising awareness among hikers about the presence of these often "forgotten" trees, but which represent an important testimony to biodiversity and the use that was made of these sunny mid-altitude areas in the past.
The fact sheets, accessible via Qr-code, give further information on the species of fruit trees present along the route.