Terzolas: a strategic area in the lower Val di Sole
Terzolas is located in the lower part of Val di Sole, on a wide, slightly down-sloping glacial terrace, at the foot of the Lac peak (2,439 m) in a position very much appreciated by the feudatories living in the town of Toracia during the sixteenth century. The inhabited part is in a sunny place surrounded by apple orchards. Today the town is an important farming centre with a well-developed apple production connected with the Consorzio Melinda (Melinda Farmers' Cooperative).
Being so close to important ski areas such as Folgarida-Marilleva and Madonna di Campiglio, Peio and Tonalepass, the town is also a strategic centre for winter tourism.
Terzolas also boasts a long tradition of cheese manufacturing: the Caseificio Sociale Cercen (Cercen Cheese and Dairy Products Cooperative) gathers and processes the milk supplied by the lower Val di Sole and Val di Rabbi.