At the feet of the Adamello Brenta Reserve, Bersone cherishes history and tradition
Located in the heart of the Valle del Chiese valley in a charming basin called Busa, at the feet of the Adamello Brenta Nature Reserve, small Bersone offers the chance to enjoy a peaceful and relax vacation in its numerous accommodation facilities. The age-old town centre has maintained the exact town planning of the Giudicarie: it stretches on a morainal terrace around a square featuring a large granite fountain. Traditional are the gratings of wrought iron, granite portals, the ubiquitous hallways and some surviving wooden superstructures.
The parish of Saints Fabiano and Sebastiano - of Medieval origins, yet rebuilt in the last century in Neoclassic style - is worth visiting. Indoor you may find a 17th Century altarpiece bearing its name. Traditions bound to religious holidays and season change are countless, such as the procession on the evening of All Saints' Day, the seeding of vegetable-gardens on Good Friday and the habit of Easter Saturday, when bells are unfastened to favour a good harvest.