Special Scrub Gourmet day

An afternoon to discover Gourmet Scrubs

Treat yourself to a day of relaxation in Trentino and choose the 'Special Scrub Gourmet day' event package, the Day Spa offered by Andalo Life, the keywords are sauna rituals and crystal therapies.

Friday 10th of February 2023 from 2.00 pm the doors of the ACQUAin wellness center in Andalo open for a day of relaxation dedicated to Gourmet scrubs.

We recommend you: let yourself be pampered! Complete your day in the day spa with the moisturizing and illuminating facial treatment.

Here is the detailed program:

Note: Program activities have limited places. Access to all is not guaranteed. Reservations for individual activities are to be made directly inside, once you enter the wellness area.

14.00 opening of the wellness center

15.00 scrub in the steam bath based on fresh fruit and plants with final purifying treatment with Aleppo soap.

15.00 regenerating hand scrub treatment with fruit and honey with nourishing cream.

16.00 Aufguss with skin purification treatment in the Finnish sauna with sponging of nebulized orange flavored thermal water.

17.00 Aufguss with mask and regenerating wrap with mud and thermal water.

17.30 Revitalizing break

18.00 Aufguss with face mask. Wrap with fruit and fresh leaves.

18.00 Sound bath in the “Dolomites” relaxation area

19.00 Final thermal aufguss.

Before ending your day at the center, to end the day like in a dream, ask the sauna specialist for a rehydrating face mask with thermal water.

The program is included in the daily entrance ticket to the day spa on 10/2.


Book your relaxing afternoon now! 

Discover the whole ACQUAin Spa&Wellness offer, to get to know the philosophy of the Nordic spa and come and visit us!

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