Near the Lavazè-Oclini ski area, Carano is known for the benefits provided by its mineral water

Carano #3

Carano #1

Carano #2

Carano #3

Carano #1
Carano is a classical Alpine town located on a natural terrace overlooking the valley on the road up to the Lavazè plateau. It is an ideal location to reach the Lavazè-Oclini ski area for cross-country skiing, downhill skiing and snow-shoe walking. From here it is also easy to reach the whole Fiemme-Obereggen ski area, which has up-to-date facilities and amenities, as well as a skibus service.
Carano has been known since the beginning of the 20th Century for its sulphate-calcareous-magnesic spring water, which is piped into the town-centre and features special therapeutical qualities to heal rheumatic and skin diseases. It also offers fitness and wellness centres.
Contact & Directions
Weather Val di Fiemme
Max Temp. (C): 10°
Temp. Min. (C): 2°
Mar 14
Max Temp. (C): 7°
Temp. Min. (C): 2°
Mar 15
Max Temp. (C): 8°
Temp. Min. (C): 2°
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