Un Natale tra Musica e Tradizione
Live Music and Local Food
Concert string sextet ‘The Four Seasons’ (Vivaldi) Chiesa san Vigilio to follow in the bocciodromo Goulaschsuppe with concert ‘Valentina Mey and Lady Violin’.
At 4.30 p.m. concert ‘The Four Seasons’ by Vivaldi, maestro Renzo Michelini former first violinist of the Haydn orchestra, 4 strings and harpsichordist of the same orchestra.
Followed by a special itinerary (Christmas market, Aunt Natalia's house, sweet crepes), goulasch suppe in the bowling alley.
To coclude the evening concert starting at 7 p.m. performance by the duo Valentina Mey and Lady Violin (electric violin) with music at 360 degrees.
- Concert ‘The Four Seasons’ free admission
- Goulaschsuppe and Valentina Mey concert on offer
For further information: Cell.: +39 339 4814771; e-mail: silviomazzoldi@libero.it