The key ingredients of a holiday at Tonadico are good hotels and friendly welcoming locals

Located at the foot of the ruins of Castel Pietra, Tonadico is the oldest village of the valle del Primiero valley. It used to be the administrative centre of the entire valley and the seat of the Seignory Lord, at Palazzo Scopoli, where the so-called Statutes of Primiero were kept.
The houses in the town centre are built in the typical mountain style and decorated with numerous frescoes featuring religious subjects. Most of the area of Tonadico - which includes the green expanses of the val Canale and the val Venegia valleys - falls within the boundaries of the Parco Naturale Paneveggio-Pale di San Martino nature reserve.
Visitors chose Tonadico for its peaceful setting, warm-hearted locals and wide range of accommodation, with a large number of top-notch self-catering apartments. Typical features of this area are the bark primierotti, small barns made of wood.
Tonadico is your ideal holiday destination if you are looking for rest, relax, excursions, culture and local traditions, which include important events such as the Gran festa del desmontegar, celebrating the return of the livestock from the Alpine pastures to valley.
Contact & Directions
38054 Fiera di Primiero , Italy