Besagno rock wall

The rock climbing wall is located in the town of Besagno, in Mori, on private grounds

The rock climbing wall is located in the town of Besagno, in Mori, on private grounds. It faces north and the best seasons for climbing it are summer and autumn. It can be reached with a few minute walk. It has been divided into 3 sections for a total of 29 routes, with grading difficulty ranging from 5b to 7b+. The wall is suitable for endurance climbing and requires movement techniques. 60 m ropes are highly advised.
Being located on private property, proper behaviour is recommended. It is especially important not to park near the junction close to the rock wall.


Contact & Directions

S.A.T. Sezione di Mori - fraz. Tierno
38065 Mori , Italy

Weather Rovereto, Vallagarina, Altopiano di Brentonico

Max Temp. (C): 33°
Temp. Min. (C): 20°
Sep 01
Max Temp. (C): 30°
Temp. Min. (C): 20°
Sep 02
Max Temp. (C): 31°
Temp. Min. (C): 19°
Trentino Weather forecast

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