Palace of Justice (Palazzo Assessorile)

Palazzo Assessorile stands at the entrance to via Roma in the historic centre of Cles, the main town in the Val di Non

Palace of Justice (Palazzo Assessorile) #1
Palace of Justice (Palazzo Assessorile) #1
Palace of Justice (Palazzo Assessorile) #2
Palace of Justice (Palazzo Assessorile) #2
Palace of Justice (Palazzo Assessorile) #3
Palace of Justice (Palazzo Assessorile) #3

The Palace of Justice (Palazzo Assessorile) is located in the centre of Cles. Its appearance reflects the 15th century reconstruction of a tower dating from the 13th century. The front of the building bears the coat of arms of the Cles family. The Hall of the Column (Sala della Colonna) on the ground floor, has a cross vault, supported by a massive stone column. In the Hall, part of the ancient cobblestone floor is still visible.

The first floor is used for art exhibitions. The second-floor rooms bear frescoes with allegorical motifs and grotesque decorations. The predominant colours are white and red, like those on the coat of arms of the Cles family. The soffits of the vaulted bay window depict allegories of the four seasons.

The Courtroom (Sala del Giudizio) features a fresco representing the allegory of friendship; from 1679 onwards, this room was used for judicial proceedings in the valley.

On the third floor, there are the private rooms of Anna Wolkenstein with frescoes of biblical scenes and mythological motifs.

Precious frescoes are the “Hunt with a Falcon” (Caccia con falcone) and the “Wildboar Hunt” (Caccia al cinghiale), both in red monochrome.

From the end of the 16th century to the 1970s, the third-floor rooms were used as a prison. On the frescoed walls, the prisoners’ signatures, thoughts, dates and drawings are still visible.

TABULA CLESIANA: in the Hall of the Column (Sala della Colonna) a copy of the Tabula Clesiana is kept. This is a bronze plate that was discovered in 1896 at Campi Neri near Cles. The find is important because the plate bears an engraving of the edict of Emperor Claudius of 15 March 46 AD, which granted Roman citizenship to the inhabitants of the valleys of the river Noce.

For information regarding exhibitions, opening hours, guided visits for group:

- Pro Loco Cles: tel. +39-0463-421376;

- Town hall (Comune) of Cles – Office for culture: tel. +39-0463-662090;

Weather Val di Non

Max Temp. (C): 27°
Temp. Min. (C): 16°
Jul 17
Max Temp. (C): 26°
Temp. Min. (C): 17°
Jul 18
Max Temp. (C): 28°
Temp. Min. (C): 17°
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