Borgo di Casez
Overlooking the square in the ancient gentilitial village of Casez, the castle maintains its ancient appeal.

Castel Casez, which majestically dominates the buildings of the ancient village, has not lost its appeal despite the vast reconstruction works carried out during the 19th century. In fact the building has maintained its "castellan style", observed in the massive battlement tower with an overhanging roof and the merlon parapet only traces of which remain today. The first owners were the Bragherios or Bracherios from the town of Coredo, who received it as a feudal property in the 13th century, when it was only a square tower built in a clearing. Then, over the centuries, the fortification extended to cover the entire open space. It became the residence of the noble de Concini family and is still owned privately today. The ancient buildings of the inhabited area, built around the main square in the centre of the town, are distinguished by Venetian-Gothic architectural traits interspersed with typically Northern style features. The Bertoldi and Gerio Houses are located on the western side of the square, embellished with elegant portals, Renaissance double lancet windows and frescoes. The de Concini house is nearby, decorated with sacred theme frescoes going back to the 18th century, and the marble statue sculpture made in 1741 and attributable to Pietro Antonio Barbacovi di Taio. Further down in the lower part of the town is the Casa Sarcletti house with its beautiful portal dating back to the year 1526. The Gothic church dedicated to S. Celestino holds a precious cycle of frescoes depicting the Passion of Christ painted in 1461 by the Master Leonardo da Bressanone, the same artist who created the evocative cloister of the Cathedral of Bressanone.