Drago di Vaia
And since you are on the Alpe Cimbra, you simply must visit the Drago di Vaia (Vaia’s Dragon). This sculpture by artist Marco Martalar holds two stories. The first is about the Vaia Storm that hit Trentino, uprooting thousands of trees. Out of those pieces of wood, the artist created a strong, massive Dragon, as a symbol of rebirth. Unfortunately, in the summer of 2023, someone burned down the Drago.
But there is another story, about the will of the local community and of Martalar, who did not give up. Thanks to a fund-raising and the support of many people, the Drago di Vaia has risen again, stronger than before.
To reach the Drago di Vaia Regeneration, try the Sentiero del Drago, an easy, flat trail that starts in Gionghi.