MelaColgo - Picking apples for one day

Learn how to pick apples and taste them directly from the tree!


With the end of summer, “apple madness” begins in Trentino! Tractors moving through the streets to move crates after crates of apples from the fields to consortia and companies. People who come out from everywhere to lend their hands in apple orchards or to grab the best apples, or even just one, to be enjoyed freshly picked, right on the spot. In short, between September and October, apples can be seen everywhere here, especially in some valleys. And, in particular, in Val di Non and Val di Sole.

There is much traffic also in the apple orchards... a clean and sustainable traffic, of smiles, arms and fruits that end up from branches to baskets and some, or more than one, as we said, even in somebody’s mouth. Because, to be sure, the flavour and crunchiness of a freshly picked apple is truly an experience. You don’t think so?

MelaColgo - in the apple orchards of Trentino


Along the Apple and Flavours Route of the Non and Sole Valleys, from 15 September to 22 October, all you have to do is book your experience in one of the Agriturs or Farms, and there are many…, that participate in this event. You could decide to stay overnight, or just for a day, as from morning to evening you will be able to live side by side with farmers who will reveal the secrets of harvesting to you and allow you to pick your apples with your own hands.

Each company is Melinda-certified and even the Agriturs, like Il Tempo delle Mele, are part of the Melinda Ambassadors network. The quality of the apple orchards, therefore, is guaranteed by farmers who, for generations, have been involved in cultivating the best of what revolves around the world of apples in Trentino.


Not all apples are born equal

Once your experience in the orchard is over, we cannot guarantee that at home your apples will taste like those that are perhaps still wrapped in dew that you wipe away with your hands and that, bite after bite, your children too will devour; however, we are reasonably sure that the taste will be close enough. No storage in the cold rooms of distributors and, above all, right on the spot, the taste will be the real one.

You will learn that there are many varieties of apple, each with its prevailing characteristic that best suits not only taste, but also use. Indeed the apple is a world with which you can prepare endless recipes; apples are one of the most versatile fruits ever because their flavour goes well with any ingredient, both sweet and savoury. Above all, you will learn who is behind the apple you eat, and which family, knowledge, sacrifice, and hard work. Because you pick apples in autumn, but growing them keeps our farmers busy all year round.

MelaColgo - in the apple orchards of Trentino

Adopt an apple tree

And if you like and are passionate about apple picking, you too can transform the experience of one day into the experience that follows the entire course of the life of your apple tree. Adopt an apple tree is the initiative that allows you to adopt your tree in spring and then return in autumn to reap its fruits. It is the opportunity to get to know peasant life from within and acquire awareness and respect for the earth, starting from the most iconic fruit in the history of our civilisation. A fruit that can tell us the story of the histories of Trentino agriculture. And that, with experience in the fields, can be an opportunity to share your story!



Published on 12/07/2024