From Alpe Cimbra to Valsugana

A guided tour of the Trentino brewing scene

Have you ever drunk a beer that was made in honour of a lake? And not just any lake, but Lake Levico and Lake Caldonazzo, where the people of Trentino like to go in the evening after work. With a cool craft beer in your hand, you can let your worries drift away. 

From Alpe Cimbra to Valsugana, you’ll find local beers and seasonal beers. They’re filled with the flavour of Trentino, because the ingredients are grown here and the water of Trentino acts as their muse. 

Have a great trip! 


The Breweries on the Tour from Alpe Cimbra to Valsugana

Sunbathe on the beaches of the Trentino lakes



In Alpe Cimbra

Expanses of woodland and green meadows with shepherds’ huts. A calming, revitalizing landscape. That’s what Alpe Cimbra is like today, but it’s been through some dramatic, painful times in the past. 

The Folgaria and Lavorone Plateaus played a crucial role during the First World War. Between 1908 and 1914, a striking line of fortifications was built here for defensive and offensive purposes. It was 28 km long and contained seven fortresses spread between Cima Vezzena and the Serrada heights. Known as the “Emperor’s Fortresses”, they can now be visited on walking routes through greenery that also go past trenches, the remains of military buildings, Costalta cemetery, Slaghenaufi cemetery and the Austro-Hungarian military chapel of Santa Zita in the Vezzena Pass.  

Passing nearby is part of the fifth stage of The Path of Peace: a route through First World War sites stretching out for more than 500 km, from the Tonale Pass to Marmolada. 

After looking around places that once witnessed battles and resistance, it can be good for you to head down to Lake Lavarone and think things over on the beach. Maybe with a cold takeaway beer from Birrificio Barbaforte in Folgaria. 



Birrificio Barbaforte 

At Barbaforte in Folgaria, you’ll be served by Matteo. He makes his (multi-award-winning!) beers with water from the spring in Val di Gola. If you’re in the area, ask for a Saison, which is beer exquisitely flavoured with gentian from Monte Baldo

Valsugana - Laghi di Levico e Caldonazzo




In Valsugana

Valsugana is the first certified sustainable tourism destination in Italy. That's partly thanks to the Blue Flags earned by its two lakes: Lake Caldonazzo and Lake Levico. The former is the only body of water in Trentino where you can water ski. Both lakes are heavenly spots for a day at the beach, where you can try canoeing, sailing and stand-up paddleboarding.  

When things get quieter on the beach in the late afternoon, you can sit at one of the outdoor tables at the bars by the shore. It’s something we love to do here in Trentino! Order a beer: maybe a Fara by Birrificio degli Arimanni, which is inspired by the two lakes. It’s nice to end the day with a stroll in the Terme di Levico’s Habsburg Park, which was developed in the early 20th century. The trees are majestic and it’s always worth visiting in the summer to see the calycanthus flowering. Birrificio degli Arimanni has a beer called Walda that pays tribute to the park. 

Birrificio degli Arimanni 

At Birrificio degli Arimanni in Borgo Valsugana, the ingredients are 100% made in Trentino and every beer is inspired by a real view. For example, the idea for Fara came from hot summers by Lake Caldonazzo and Lake Levico, while Walda took its cue from the Terme di Levico’s majestic Habsburg Park. 

Check out beer events in Trentino

Check out other craft beer tours in Trentino
Published on 02/07/2024