5 tips for cyclists

How to experience the mountains following the advice of those who love and know them

Caution! A word that the women and men who live and work in the mountains and for the mountains take to heart. It encapsulates all the love for and knowledge of an environment that needs to be approached and discovered cautiously and consciously.

Hence, the S.A.T. (Trentino Mountaineers Society) Mountain Hut Association, the Alpine Rescue and the Trentino Alpine Guides jointly created the ‘Caution in the mountains’ project.

They have also created practical handbooks to read and learn in no time: 5 tips for trekking, via ferratasclimbing and high altitude activities.

The 5 tips below are aimed at people who want to ride their bikes in the mountains

Madonna di Campiglio - Val Rendena  - Malga Ritorto

1.  Choose a route that is suitable for your preparation level 

Inform yourself about the technical and physical difficulty of the trails, in order not to find yourself on a route that isn't suitable for you. Respect other users, letting them past and maintaining a speed in line with your abilities. 


2.  Use the right bike  

Not all bikes are the same, and depending on the route you choose, there are bikes that can help or hinder your trip. Choose the right one!  


3.  Choose suitable equipment 

Always wear a helmet. If you are riding downhill on technical trails or in bike parks, add knee pads, gloves and a back protector. 


4.  Bring useful equipment, just in case 

Don't forget a puncture repair kit and some tools for fixing possible small problems. This way you will avoid having to push your bike for hours to reach an assistance point. 


5. It is better to go together 

When following technical trails in the mountains, it is a good idea not to go alone. Travelling in a group of 2-3 bikers is ideal for biking in safety without disturbing the environment and its inhabitants too much. 


Caution in the mountains: advice for cyclists
Published on 22/05/2024