Into the wild: a hunt for waterfalls

A guide for the more adventurous souls

Leave the beaten track behind you and take a walk along the less travelled paths. The silence is punctuated by the sound of bubbling streams that make you contemplate the crystal clear waters as they rush over smooth rounded stones. After a long walk, to behold a waterfall for the first time can truly be a regenerating experience as it gives you that sense of belonging and being at one with Nature. Here, we recommend some of them, all to be discovered in Trentino.

Cavalese waterfall - Val di Fiemme

Cobblestone streets, small stone huts, and a view of the valley: this walk, both easy and enjoyable, starts from the small hamlet of Masi di Cavalese. The path crosses meadows and pastures, a clearing with cheerful, bell-wearing cows, until it reaches the forest, right in front of the Cavalese waterfall, which is rightly considered one of the wonders of the Val di Fiemme. A spectacular drop of about 20 meters of sparkling and refreshing waters.

“Sas Pisador” waterfall - Val di Sole

This pleasant walk takes you to Valpiana, among its huts, pastures and panoramic overlooks. Along the way you can admire the splendid “Sas Pisador” waterfall; surrounded by an impressive landscape, the waters flowing along the rock engender a not-to-be-missed spectacle of nature. A conversation piece: Astronomitaly declared the sky of Valpiana to be one of the most beautiful in Italy for stargazing!

Val Genova Waterfalls

Easy itinerary in the Adamello Brenta Park along the trail which, alongside the Sarca river, leads to the discovery of the hidden Val Genova waterfalls: the Nardis waterfalls and the Lares waterfalls. To boot, the meadows of Malga Genova are an excellent area for a break and a picnic!

Rio Bianco Waterfalls Terme di Comano

Originating from the karst tunnels of the southern part of the Brenta Dolomites, they rest in winter and flow in spring and summer. The same complex also gives life to Rio Cugol and Malea-Barbison, reachable through a suggestive visit route. A ‘water’ themed trail: shaper of the landscape, lifeblood and resource for man.

Orrido di Ponte Alto,  Trento

Few know about this place at the moment, but its spectacular beauty means that situation can’t last for much longer. The Orrido Canyon, a few km from the city of Trento, was only recently opened to the public after a considerable amount of work on making it safe. It can be visited in the company of a guide. It is a truly extraordinary experience to stand in the middle of this chasm, carved out over the course of millennia by the river Fersina, surrounded by falls over 40 metres high and layers of red rock.

Piz del Pai Waterfall

Medium-easy difficulty excursion that takes place partly in the cool Val di Peio woods and partly on a comfortable dirt road exposed to the sun. The Piz del Pai waterfall is a small but fascinating waterfall that you can admire before it disappears into the narrow gorge of rocks below. A fresh and green place not to be missed!

The Gorg D'Abiss waterfalls, Valle di Ledro

A wild and ancient place, with an evocative and somewhat mysterious name. This gorge (“Gorg d'Abiss” in local dialect) and its waterfall will surprise even the most disenchanted explorer; this unexpected waterfall, which gives the impression that the water gushes out directly from the rock face itself, is a secretive place yet accessible to everyone.

The Tret waterfalls,  Val di Non

We could describe it as the “hidden waterfall amongst the canyons”. This curtain of water seems to appear from nowhere, an enchanting reward at the end of the trek that takes you from the village of Fondo and through the woods along old pilgrimage trails. The route is also suitable for families with children and makes for a kind of unusual treasure hunt on a fine spring day.

The Vallesinella waterfalls, Val Rendena

From Madonna di Campiglio, take the Sentiero dell’Orso trail and continue along the path that leads to the Rifugio Vallesinella mountain hut. This will take you all the way to the Cascate Alte di Vallesinella, or the upper waterfalls, with their little bridges, cascades and water features. Then, descend as far as the Cascate di Mezzo and make your return along the Sentiero dell’Arciduca trail.

Published on 03/06/2024