From Val di Sole to Madonna di Campiglio

A guided tour of the Trentino brewing scene

Water, water and more water. Waterfalls, streams, lakes, ponds and more. If there weren’t so much water here, Trentino wouldn’t be the same. And neither would its beers! The local water – and especially the water from Pejo in Val di Sole, which is exceptionally soft and very low in sulphates and chlorides – enhances the beer made here.  

This tour will take you from Val di Sole to Madonna di Campiglio, through the peaceful natural environment, villages with something to say and breweries in both valleys. 

Have a great trip! 


The Breweries on the Tour between Val di Sole and Madonna di Campiglio 

Beer tourism between Val di Sole and Madonna di Campiglio 



In Val di Sole

A wealth of water can be found in Val di Sole. There are countless springs, waterfalls, streams and lakes. Water has lots to offer in Val di Sole: the beautiful natural environment in the Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio (a national park), well-being in the thermal spas of Pejo and Rabbi, and fun rafting and kayaking on the Noce river.

There are also sites of historical and cultural interest in Val di Sole. In the village of Monclassico, many artists – coordinated by the “Le Meridiane” association – have embellished the walls of houses with more than 50 sundials featuring a masterful blend of painting skills and astronomical science.

If you head towards Madonna di Campiglio from Dimaro, you’ll see an interesting example of a Venetian-style sawmill: a masterpiece of hydraulic and mechanical engineering that was used from the time of the Republic of Venice until 1960.  

Birrificio Nido delle Aquile 

The Lager made at Birrificio Nido delle Aquile goes through secondary fermentation in the bottle, like Trento DOC wine. While you’re tasting it, Ilaria and Antonio will introduce you to the Baronessa: a magnificent bird of prey that’s always there with them.


Birrificio Artigianale Pejo 

Spring water is the main ingredient in the outstanding beers made by Birrificio Artigianale Pejo. In the Goji beer, Marco adds fresh goji berries that are grown organically among the mountains in Val di Pejo.  

Val Genova, sullo sfondo le cascate Nardis | © Madonna di Campiglio Azienda per il Turismo



In Madonna di Campiglio

Madonna di Campiglio is peerlessly positioned between the Brenta Dolomites and the Adamello and Presanella glaciers. In the Parco Naturale Adamello Brenta (nature park) just outside the town, the silence is only broken by rustling leaves and roaring waterfalls, such as the Nardis waterfalls in Val Genova and the ones in Vallesinella.
If you go down to Pinzolo, just below Madonna di Campiglio, stop outside the Church of San Vigilio. The must-see façade is frescoed with a famous 16th century Danse Macabre by Simone Baschenis.  

Birrificio Val Rendena

At Birrificio Val Rendena in Pinzolo, the Collini twins use ingredients that are grown on site and processed in a simple way to produce very distinctive beers, such as Bira da l’Ors. It’s packed with personality and taste sensations, but also goes down very easily.  

Check out beer events in Trentino

Check out other craft beer tours in Trentino
Published on 02/07/2024