Tuenno - Ville d'Anaunia
Prehistoric Tuenno and charming Valle di Tovel

Tuenno is one of the oldest towns in the Val di Non valley. With its prehistoric origins, it first became Episcopal estate in 1027 and later the feud of local nobles. Its highlights include the small church of S. Emerenziana with its pretty wooden altars and 15th century decorative triptych.
The area also offers relaxing walks towards the Adamello-Brenta Nature Park and Lake Tovel, also internationally known as "Lago rosso" (Red Lake) for the vivid hue which used to redden its waters between July and September.
Today, Tuenno is the epitome of modern Anaunia. The wealth provided by massive fruit farming has encouraged both public and private building works, featuring state-of-the-art houses and technological fruit warehouses, which stand side by side to austere, sturdy buildings, rustic cottages and bread ovens.