An age-old town boasting a wide array of archaeological findings

Sanzeno is located right at the centre of the Val di Non valley, on the outskirts of the Alta Valle.
The Casa de' Gentili - an elegant palace used to host exhibitions and cultural activities - and the small church of S. Alessandro - which, according to local tradition, was built where a former chapel and home of the Anaunia Martyrs used to be - are both to be admired in the town square, together with its large, central fountain.
Sanzeno's archaeological area hosts the remains of a Rhaetian village from the Iron Age. The Museo Retico, Centro per l'archeologia e la storia antica della Val di Non (Rhaetian Museum, Archaeological and Ancient History Centre of the Val di Non valley) has recently been established. This highly original museum is a true interactive cultural and learning centre, taking visitors on a journey through time, starting from the Middle Ages and going back to more remote times. Three Cappadocian evangelists - Saints Sisinnius, Martyrius and Alexander - who had been sent here to convert the pagans, were martyred in Sanzeno in 397 AD.
The ancient church of S. Maria - dating back to the year 1000 - and its Hospice are located near the Rhaetian Museum. Today the church is the seat of the Canons Regular of Saint Augustine. The road starting from here takes visitors to the S. Romedio hermitage, which is both one of the most striking shrines in Europe and part of the inter-Regional "Sentieri del Cielo" and "Via romanica delle Alpi" projects.