Nogaredo, town of witch trials, is located in Vallagarina, Adige

Nogaredo, whose name derives from the Latin term "nux", nut, is located on the slope of the alluvial deposits of Rio Molini, on the right side of the Adige. Its greatest attraction is the scenographic Palazzo Lodron consisting of a long central body and two lateral wings elegantly framed by green landscaped areas. The internal courtyard holds a terraced garden, a fountain with lion and a niche on the facade containing the statue of Count Nicolò. The beauty of the countryside surrounding the town is inviting for relaxing walks and thrilling excursions.
Nogaredo used to be sadly famous for its trials of witches (locally called strie) held in the 17th and 18th centuries for several local farm women, although in the past ten years the story has been transformed into a festival attended by the entire community, the Calendimaggio di Nogaredo, dedicated to women.
Contact & Directions
38068 Rovereto , Italy