Cascata Ragaiolo

Walking on the suspended rope bridge

Cascata Ragaiolo #1
Cascata Ragaiolo #1
Cascata Ragaiolo #2
Cascata Ragaiolo #2

The Ragaiolo waterfall, in Val di Rabbi, has a peculiarity: the best point to look at it is suspended on a 100-metre-long rope bridge, 60 metres above the ground! Of course, it is not the best if you are afraid of heights, but crossing on the bridge is safe, and the view of the waterfalls from up there is unique, perfect for taking photographs.

How to reach the waterfall

To reach the entrance to the bridge over the waterfalls, there are two routes: one is from the parking lot in Plan (Rabbi Fonti). Having left the car, you take the forest road that leads to the Venetian Sawmill, located along the Rabbies stream. From here, you must follow the signs to Malga Fratte, and then continue towards the Ragaiolo waterfall until you reach the entrance to the rope bridge. The route is about 7.5 Km long.

The alternative is to leave the car in the parking lot at Terme di Rabbi and take the dirt road, following the directions. After about a kilometre, at the bridge over the Ragaiolo stream, take the trail that climbs, zigzagging, up to the entrance to the rope bridge. The road from the parking lot to the entrance to the bridge is about 1.5 Km long.

Contact & Directions

APT delle Valli di Sole Peio e Rabbi
Via Marconi, 7
38027 Malé , Italy

Weather Val di Sole

Max Temp. (C): 28°
Temp. Min. (C): 15°
Jul 17
Max Temp. (C): 28°
Temp. Min. (C): 18°
Jul 18
Max Temp. (C): 29°
Temp. Min. (C): 15°
Weather forecast

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