Cagnò - Novella
A holiday amidst vineyards and apple orchards, benefiting from the town's mild climate and favourable position

Cagnò is a small town of the Upper Val di Non, located between River Pescara and Valle della Piole valley. Apple fields and steep hillsides decorated with trellises are the main feature of its surrounding landscape. The town enjoys an extremely lively scenery with spectacular lake views, making it the ideal spot for a restful nature-tuned holiday.
The town has kept its late Medieval lay-out, as proved by several of its rural-noble mansions, especially the two de Pretis houses. An ancient legend has it that it was Attila himself who built Casazza - the Medieval fortress whose remains can still be seen today.
This highly interesting area has also been the site of numerous archaeological findings. A small deposit of ceramic fragments and flint tools harking back to the late Neolithic Age was discovered on the Dosso di Castelaz, at a stone throw from Cagnò.