Accademia del Vino Cadelaghet

An accurate selection of the best wines produced in Trentino

Accademia del Vino  Cadelaghet #1
Accademia del Vino Cadelaghet #1

Wine is one of the joys of life. Starting from this conviction, Accademia del Vino Cadelaghet offers a selection of the best wines produced in Trentino. This maison in Civezzano produces robust, well-structured, full-bodied wines, with well-developed aromas that pay homage to tradition.

Contact & Directions

Via Roma, 13
38045 Civezzano , Italy

Weather Valsugana

Max Temp. (C): 0°
Temp. Min. (C): -4°
Dec 23
Max Temp. (C): 5°
Temp. Min. (C): -3°
Dec 24
Max Temp. (C): 8°
Temp. Min. (C): -3°
Trentino Weather forecast