Torre di Pisa mountain hut
Mountain tour
Torre di Pisa mountain hut
<p>Loop hike between the spectacular Dolomite walls of the Latemar Massif. The tour takes its name from the leaning rock towers like the one in the Tuscan city. The route is medium/difficult, the passage from the Forcella dei Camosci is demanding. The descent to the Oberholz Hut is quite steep, trekking poles are recommended. </p>
<p>Latemar Massiv is on the border between Trentino and South Tyrol Regions. From the geological point of view, it is an atoll which emerged from the tropical sea. That is why it is possible to find ammonites and shells in the rocks.</p> <p>The highest peak is the Torre Diamantidi (2,842 m). The excursion to Torre di Pisa allows you to immerse yourself in this .... sea of rocks! White, outstretched to the sky, eternal, as only the Dolomites can be.</p>