Lavarone Green Land - Drago Vaia - Departure from Frazione Gionghi
Theme trail • Alpe Cimbra Folgaria Lavarone Luserna
Lavarone Green Land - Drago Vaia - Departure from Frazione Gionghi
Lavarone Green Land - Drago Vaia - Departure from Gionghi hamlet
With its 6 tons of charred wood, 16 meters long and 7 meters high, it is the largest wooden dragon sculpture in the world. <p>Made with the roots of the Vaia storm, it carries with it the memory of what happened to its predecessor. The pieces of wood are completely charred, deliberately burned by the artist Martalar who, combined with the remains of the fire, recompose the new work.</p> <p>The work has a less tame connotation than the previous Dragon because it must also tell something different and different.</p> <p>This new Dragon is not only a guardian as a warning of the relationship between human beings and nature, but it is a guardian of memory, of stories, a symbol of rebirth and resilience where we human beings should always remain humble in front of mother nature.</p> <p>To reach the thematic path "Path of the Dragon" start from Gionghi and follow the signs for Magre Tablat, then once you arrive at the Enchanted Den, follow the signs for Path of the Dragon.</p> <p>The route is suitable for families, it winds along the Tablat, a flat area, above Magrè for about 2.5km.</p>