Around lake Serraia and lake Piazze
Hiking trail
Around lake Serraia and lake Piazze
<p><strong>This walk around the lakes of the Piné Plateau is a relaxing one with a very moderate difference in height. As a shorter alternative, you can choose to walk around just one of the two lakes.</strong></p> <p><strong>Suitable for everyone and also ideal for families with children.</strong></p> <p><strong>For those who want to walk more, the cycle and pedestrian paths goes on until Lake Buse, particurly pleasant for outings and pic-nics</strong></p>
The route strolls around the two renowned lakes of the plateau, crossing the natural reserve "Paludi di Sternigo", and passing by a riding stable, refreshment points and free beaches equipped with playgrounds, to reach the final shore of Lake Piazze. From here, the return route can be made on the opposite shores of the two lakes to the outward route.<br/>The itinerary is almost entirely flat, with two short climbs in the section connecting the lakes (loc. campolongo), in places paved and in others unpaved. <br/>The length is about 9 km, which can be covered in about 2 hours of walking. The classic starting point is in the locality of Serraia or loc. Lido, on Lake Serraia, but the tour can also be walked from any of the car parks/parking areas around the lakes.