Malga Laghetto Biotope
The Malga Laghetto Biotope is a wonderful natural gem lying within in a luxuriant conifer wood.
The post-glacial Malga Laghetto biotope is a wonderful natural gem lying within in a luxuriant conifer wood situated along the road from Lavarone to Luserna near Monterovere. It is famous for the spectacular sight of pink, white and yellow water-lilies flowering here in spring. Nearby is the highest silver fir in Europe, now a natural monument known as Avez del Prinzep, which is over 54 m high and 220 years old and marks the starting point for the I Giganti del Bosco illustrated nature trail.
Contact & Directions
Weather Alpe Cimbra Folgaria, Lavarone and Lusérn
Max Temp. (C): 7°
Temp. Min. (C): 0°
Mar 17
Max Temp. (C): 8°
Temp. Min. (C): -1°
Mar 18
Max Temp. (C): 3°
Temp. Min. (C): -4°