The earth Pyramids of Segonzano
A masterpiece of nature
A masterpiece of nature: towers, crests, pinnacles arranged like organ pipes, tall columns towered by a huge porphyry rock – these are the earth pyramids in the municipality of Segonzano. One of the most well known and studied geological phenomena in the world, also for its imposing beauty. The remains of a moraine deposit dating back to the last ice age, the pyramids are now a tourist attraction of great didactic value. The site is open to visitors all the year round, and can be reached by a specially equipped, clearly marked path.
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Weather Altopiano di Piné and Valle di Cembra
Max Temp. (C): 4°
Temp. Min. (C): 0°
Dec 20
Max Temp. (C): 7°
Temp. Min. (C): 1°
Dec 21
Max Temp. (C): 5°
Temp. Min. (C): -2°
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