Parco Faunistico di Spormaggiore

Meet the great carnivores of the Alps: wolves, brown bears, lynxes… and many more!

Parco Faunistico di Spormaggiore #1
Parco Faunistico di Spormaggiore #1

The brown bears in the Spormaggiore Animal Park live in conditions very similar to their wild counterparts. Their fence extends for about 7000 m2 in a quiet and wooded area.
Next to them there are wolves, in an area that spans 3,500 m2 of forest. Two large strategically placed observatories will allow you to get a close look at them in semi-natural conditions. Within the two fenced off areas are large trees like beeches, spruces and larches, as well as bushy areas interspersed with open areas and even a small stream with pools and small waterfalls to recreate their typical environment.
There is a 30 m2 aviary housing eagle owls, but you can also see wild cats, lynxes and foxes.

To complete the Park's offer there is also a petting farm, refreshment areas, an Alpine lake, a playground for young children and a video room with 20 seats so that you can watch documentaries about the Adamello Brenta National Park and brown bears.

Contact & Directions

Parco Faunistico Spormaggiore
38010 Spormaggiore , Italy

Weather Altopiano della Paganella

Max Temp. (C): 26°
Temp. Min. (C): 15°
Jul 17
Max Temp. (C): 26°
Temp. Min. (C): 15°
Jul 18
Max Temp. (C): 28°
Temp. Min. (C): 15°
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