Marmitte dei Giganti
The Marmitte dei Giganti are Karstic in origin.

Their deep, chiselled shapes and roundness hint at huge marmites - hence their name. As the local tradition goes, they were once used by giants to quench their thirst.
Some spear-point fragments and other findings dating back to the 4th and 3rd millennium have proved the area was once inhabited.
The Marmitte got formed as melted water dropped from the glaciers. Mixed with stones and sand, they had an erosive effect on the landscape and carved out these large glacial pools. The Marmitte are surrounded by other natural monuments featured by the area, such as the glacial drop and streaked and smoothened rock humps. The main pools are located near the road connecting Nago to Torbole. The Mediterranean climate typical of Lake Garda and its view of the River Sarca, make this area especially pretty.
Contact & Directions
38066 Riva del Garda , Italy