
The Ortles-Cevedale chain includes over 1,000 hectares of glaciers - its highest peak is almost 4,000 m a.s.l.

Ortles-Cevedale  #1
Ortles-Cevedale #1

The Ortles-Cevedale chain almost entirely encompasses the Stelvio National Park. The range is about 50 km long and 40 wide. The area borders to the south with Val Venosta and extends along Val Martello all the way to Passo Tonale in Trentino. Mount Ortles (3,905 m a.s.l.) is the group's highest peak and is located in South-Tyrol. It features three main peaks, including Conston di Dentro, theatre of a very famous and popular mountain climbing route. Other imposing peaks are Cevedale, Gran Zebrù, Palon del Mare and Vioz.
The Ortles-Cevedale group, together with the Adamello-Presanella, is one of the richest in glaciers throughout the Alps. Land's various conformations, different peaks' elevations, a varied range of facing slopes, all this has brought in a large number of Alpine glaciers, precisely 19, covering an overall surface area of 1,444 hectares. Two of them, the Careser hanging glacier and the Mare glacier - despite their significant receding - cover a surface area of 472 and of 370 hectares, respectively.



Contact & Directions

APT delle Valli di Sole Peio e Rabbi
Viale Marconi, 7
38027 Malè , Italy

Weather Val di Sole

Max Temp. (C): -1°
Temp. Min. (C): -7°
Dec 22
Max Temp. (C): -1°
Temp. Min. (C): -5°
Dec 23
Max Temp. (C): 0°
Temp. Min. (C): -6°
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