Isola di Sant’Andrea
An open-air museum for archaeology enthusiasts
Located in the 'Lago di Loppio' Provincial Nature Reserve, about seven kilometres north-east of Lake Garda, the island was the subject of in-depth archaeological investigations, conducted by the PAT Archaeological Section between 1998 and 2017. The excavations have brought to light a multilayered archaeological site, with evidence ranging from prehistory to late antiquity and the Middle Ages, up to the First World War; in particular, they have made it possible to investigate an ancient settlement that occupied, for an area of about 6,400 square metres, the top of the island.
The charm of the place, among woods, waters and archaeological finds
Contact & Directions
Weather Rovereto, Vallagarina, Altopiano di Brentonico
Max Temp. (C): 16°
Temp. Min. (C): 4°
Mar 18
Max Temp. (C): 10°
Temp. Min. (C): 3°
Mar 19
Max Temp. (C): 13°
Temp. Min. (C): 0°