Geological Museum of the Dolomites
Over 11,000 items, including an exceptional collection of invertebrate fossils, narrate the history of the Italian Alps and their incalculable geological value.
Founded in 1899, the Museo Geologico delle Dolomiti in Predazzo offers an insight into these UNESCO world heritage mountains. It is home to over 11,000 artefacts with a focus on the geology of the Italian Alps and, in particular, the Fiemme and Fassa Valleys. Among these is Italy’s richest collection of invertebrate fossils from the Middle Triassic reefs. Across two floors of interactive exhibits and fascinating educational materials, explore the history and characteristics of the local mountains, including their unique features and comparisons with surrounding groups such as the Lagorai, the Catinaccio, the Sella, the Marmolada and the Monzoni. Don’t miss the Dos Capèl Geotrail, an outdoor itinerary to enhance your visit during summer.
The rich array on display within the museum, integrated with the Geotrail.
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