Ecomuseo della Judicaria

Ecomuseo della Judicaria  #1
Ecomuseo della Judicaria #1
Ecomuseo della Judicaria  #2
Ecomuseo della Judicaria #2
© Arturo Cuel
© Arturo Cuel

The Judicaria ecomuseum "from the Dolomites to Lake Garda" stretches from the Brenta Dolomites up to the banks of Lake Garda, along the "European ecological corridor" between the Po valley and Bavaria, including the territory of six municipalities in the outer Giudicarie and the municipality of Tenno.

The variety and richness of the landscape represent an innovative and authentic form of eco-tourism for the visitor, with archaeological sites, castles, old rural villages and natural sites: a land with a wealth of material and immaterial values, where Trentino cooperatives have their roots.



NATURE: Many itineraries through the fir and beech woods, through landscapes characterised by walnut trees, skirting the Varone waterfall, around Lake Tenno, through the gorges of the Limarò, in the park of Comano spa, in the biotopes of Lomasona and Nembia, on the Beo hills and to the "Rio Bianco" visitors centre in the Adamello Brenta nature park.
ARCHAEOLOGY, ART AND HISTORY: A "journey through time", exploring the archaeological sites of Fiavè with its lake dwellings, the sites of San Martino a Lomaso, Tenno and Bleggio; numerous small churches with frescoes by the Baschenis family; the magic of Castel Stenico, Castel Restor, Castel Campo and Tenno Castle.
VILLAGES: Canale di Tenno, Rango di Bleggio and San Lorenzo in Banale, included in the selection of the "most beautiful villages in Italy "
AGRICULTURE AND PRODUCTS: "The excitement of taste": guided sessions with "Viaggi dell'Emozione" through the numerous agricultural estates in the Tenno area, with tasting of local products.



ARCHAEOLOGY - The great adventure of man in the Alps
Lake dwellings in Fiavè, San Martino sites
HISTORY - Princes and Lords
Castel Stenico, Castel Restòr, Castel Campo, Castel Spine, Tenno Castle
ART - The Sacred and the Profane
Canale di Tenno, Balbido, San Felice a Bono, San Giorgio a Dorsino, Moline di San Lorenzo in Banale
RELIGION - With the Sign of the Cross
Santa Croce, Tavodo, Vigo Lomaso, Dasindo, Tenno
ARCHITECTURE - In stone, wood and straw
Tenno, Canale, Rango, Maso al Pont, San Lorenzo
COMMUNICATION ROUTES - Over the passes and through the gorges
Nembia, Limarò, Ponte Pià, Tenno, Varone, Passo Duron, Passo Ballino


Contact & Directions

APT Garda Dolomiti
Bleggio , Italy

Weather Altopiano della Paganella

Max Temp. (C): 26°
Temp. Min. (C): 15°
Jul 17
Max Temp. (C): 26°
Temp. Min. (C): 15°
Jul 18
Max Temp. (C): 28°
Temp. Min. (C): 15°
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