San Volfango church

Popular tradition has it that the Church of San Volfgango is the oldest sacred building in Moena.

San Volfango church #1
San Volfango church #1

The origin of the San Volfango church, alongside the parish church, is controversial, but the most credible theory links it, due to the foundations of the vestry, to the Romanesque era and was built on the side of a Pagan temple. San Volfango, protector of woodcutters much loved by the people of Moena, holds a cycle of fifteenth century frescoes by an unknown artist, discovered in 1926 by professor Valentino Chiocchetti. Example of popular art, they depict: "Passion", "The Virgin of Mercy", "San Martino" and "Sant’Orsola and the eleven virgins". The vestry has a gold coated wooden altar from 1641, a crucifix by an unknown artist and the apse is also in wood with four caryatids by Giovanni Guadagnini (1665-1735) from Moena.


Contact & Directions

Canonica Chiesa di S. Volfango
Strada Don G. Iori, 10
38035 Moena , Italy

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Max Temp. (C): 24°
Temp. Min. (C): 12°
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Temp. Min. (C): 13°
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