Braghjie and dei Begoi Sawmills
Widespread in the past, hydraulic sawmills used the energy of water to produce logs, planks and beams for building. Originally used for wood working, they are today an interesting attraction that enhance the landscape and environmental heritage of Val di Rabbi. The perfection of their mechanisms is the proof of the skills possessed by craftsmen in the past, with their in-depth knowledge of construction techniques that can be considered masterpieces of mechanical engineering.
Contact & Directions
Segherie dei Braghje e dei Bègoi Centro Visite del Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio
Val di Rabbi
Weather Val di Sole
Max Temp. (C): 10°
Temp. Min. (C): -5°
Mar 20
Max Temp. (C): 11°
Temp. Min. (C): -3°
Mar 21
Max Temp. (C): 11°
Temp. Min. (C): -1°