Trentino’s Desmontegada: an unmissable celebration

A ritual return from the mountain pastures

Every September, the clanging of cowbells in Trentino’s valleys heralds the great Desmontegada festival: the malgari, or cowherds, don their traditional outfits and carry wheels of Alpine cheese, produced throughout the summer, down into the valley. Meanwhile, herds and flocks of livestock descend upon town centres, their horns festively adorned with colourful ribbons and flowers.

Desmontegada, or the descent of the goats, is an ancient festival held in late summer to celebrate the return of the animals from pasture high in the mountains to their stalls in the valleys, where they will shelter until the fine weather returns next year. The atmosphere is that of a party in which everybody, young and old, gets involved with singing, dancing and typical local products.

In Trentino, many Desmontegada events take place between late August and mid-October. Below you can find a list of these with dates, times, and some interesting facts!

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Desmonteada de Soraga_7

Desmonteada de Soraga

20/09/2025 Soraga
Festival del Puzzone Moena_6

Puzzone DOP Festival in Moena

19/09/2025 - 21/09/2025 Moena
Desmonteada de Soraga_7
Feasts and Festivals, Festivals, Folklore, Other

Desmonteada de Soraga

Feast, complete with a parade in traditional Ladin costume, for the cattle comeback to the village after the summer spent in the alpine pastures at...

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Puzzone DOP Festival in Moena

In honour of one of Italy’s finest and most celebrated cheeses, the eagerly awaited festival returns with a packed programme of tastings, food...