Casa del Parco - L'orso signore del bosco

Approach the brown bear of the Alps in the Adamello-Brenta Nature Reserve.

Casa del Parco - L'orso signore del bosco  #1
Casa del Parco - L'orso signore del bosco #1

The visitor information centre in Spormaggiore is one of the "themed houses" of the Park, and is known as the Casa dell'Orso (The House of the Bear). This up-to-date museum is dedicated to the brown bear of the Alps, which is the symbol of the Adamello-Brenta Nature Reserve. The exhibition is housed in the Corte Franca - an age-old manor house dating back to the 14th century formerly owned by the Counts of Alt Sapur - which is just a short walk away from the town's main church.

A multimedia room, a multipurpose room for temporary exhibitions and events, as well as a sales space displaying gadgets and the Park's publications, are housed on the ground floor. The first floor hosts an exhibition dedicated to the Park featuring an interesting plastic model to give visitors an overview of the area and its features, whereas the second floor focuses on the brown bear. Its six rooms showcase multimedia exhibitions, videos and life-size reproductions, to allow visitors to approach and enjoy the plantigrade biology, and its controversial relationship with man.

An area has been specifically devoted to the role bears have played in myths, cinema, advertising and imagery. The third floor eventually focuses on the Life Urusus Reintroduction Project, featuring games, films and dioramas.


Contact & Directions

Casa del Parco L'Orso Signore del Bosco - Parco Naturale Adamello Brenta
Via Alt Spaur, 82
38010 Spormaggiore , Italy

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Max Temp. (C): 7°
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Temp. Min. (C): -3°
Jan 17
Max Temp. (C): 6°
Temp. Min. (C): -3°
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