Hear from the experts

Flora, fauna and how to behave in the mountains: listen to our podcasts!

The best way to learn about forests and mountains, the richness of our flora, plants and wildlife, and rules to follow in these environments is to listen to our highly competent and passionate experts!

And so, we're giving the floor to Michele Lanzinger, Executive Director of MUSE in Trento; Claudio Groff, Coordinator of the Province of Trento's Large Carnivore Department, and Simone Banal, Vice President of the Trentino Alpine Guides.

Michele Lanzinger

The flora of Trentino

The former Director of MUSE (Science Museum of Trento) and President of ICOM Italy discusses safeguarding Trentino’s flora.

Listen to our podcast

Simone Banal

Safety in the mountains

The vice president of the Alpine Guides of Trentino discusses how to behave and avert risks when in the mountains.

Listen to our podcast