Autumn slow trekking
Middle altitude itineraries among the Pale of Trentino
Enjoy it all! Because the road that brings you to San Martino di Castrozza, crossing through Primiero, is a corridor of dolomite that takes you straight into the heart of the Italian Alps. You skirt lakes and streams, expanses of green and tunnels of stone, but in front of you are the Pale! If you have only seen them in pictures, you really haven’t seen them yet. And all around, enchanted villages that seem to have always been waiting for you, alive in their stillness. Imer, Mezzano, Siror, Transacqua, Tonadico and Fiera. And, facing you, the Dolomiti that give the impression that you are looking into their depths, as in a 3D painting.
There is a special season, before the white of snow and transforming from the deep green of summer, that colours everything in a thousand and one shades, so brightly coloured!
In the autumn, you can enter new trails, created especially for the season, and enter mountain huts, which remain open for the occasion, where trekking, even if not on the ridge, remains a blessing!