Nature Parks

Winter doesn’t get any whiter – or wilder - than this

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Nature Parks Winter #1
Nature Parks Winter #2

To experience the season in its most pristine state, head to one of Trentino’s nature parks

Trentino shelters three protected areas of extraordinary beauty and bio-diversity: the 620km2AdamelloBrenta Nature Park, the 191km2 Paneveggio-Pale di San Martino Nature Park, and a portion of the largest national park in the Alps, the Stelvio. At any time of year they are breathtaking places to visit – but in winter they acquire a special splendour.

It’s not hard to leave the 21st century behind in Trentino. Head to one of our nature parks, go snow-shoeing, cross-country skiing or winter walking – and almost immediately you’ll leave behind the hustle and hassle of the modern world. You’ll have some pretty unusual locals for company, too. Golden eagles, capercaillies, deer, chamoix, hares and ptarmigans are all active during the winter, and many are dressed in their white winter coats. That should make them all but invisible, of course. But the urgent need to eat makes them bolder, and paradoxically, easier to spot.

Just remember that out here, winter has teeth. If you’re not familiar with the demands of such a wild environment, you should hire a professional mountain guide, or join a guided walk. In the Stelvio National Park, for example, park guides lead day and evening snowshoe walks in the Pejo and Rabbi valleys. Similar tours are available in the Adamello Brenta Nature Park, while in the Paneveggio–Pale di San Martino park, the forested Val Canali is beautiful and tranquil setting for many activities organized by the park authorities.

Stelvio National Park

With its 1,306 km², the Stelvio National Park is one of the largest and most interesting protected areas in Europe. It covers the regions of South Tyrol, Lombardy and Trentino, where it is located in the valleys of Pejo and Rabbi.

Adamello - Brenta Park

This park is the largest protected area in Trentino, located in the western part of the region. The area includes some of the most striking and untainted spots of the Dolomites UNESCO Natural Heritage, with both the Adamello and Brenta mountain ranges.

Paneveggio - Pale di San Martino Park

The Pale di San Martino, the Val Canali, its woods and the pure white snow cover create unrepeatable panoramas: living the winter inside a unique nature reserve, is a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Dolomites Unesco

Trentino has four out of the nine Unesco Natural World Heritage sites: the Brenta Dolomites lying within the Adamello-Brenta Nature Park, and the Eastern Dolomites of Val di Fassa, Val di Fiemme and San Martino di Castrozza. 
Published on 06/06/2023