Green Rovereto

Education, commitment, solidarity

Knowledge is power, but knowledge is also love and respect. The district of Rovereto, Vallagarina and Montebaldo brings together mountain and city dimensions in an essential mix of nature and culture. Education is at the centre, and the drive towards an eco-friendly future is rooted in the initiative of citizens and associations, tourism operators and local authorities.

The information is clear: handbooks on how to implement sustainability are available for residents and businesses, industry experts and visitors. Certifications and recognitions allow tourists to orient themselves with awareness among the different proposals and activities. Educational paths linked to science, nature and the cultural riches of the territory are linked to sporting and immersive experiences in the woods, in the meadows and on the streets.

Vallagarina - Monte Baldo - Altissimo


What better choice for an educational trip than to venture into a path of science and experience? How to put engineering and technology at the service of sustainability? How to rediscover the value of biodiversity?

Teachers and students can choose the educational adventure they prefer: parks and hydroelectric plants, botanical gardens and robotics and astronomy laboratories offer proposals for every taste. An example among all is the Green Days programme, dedicated to the rediscovery of the objectives of the 2030 Agenda. Water, nature and human ingenuity work in synergy, united in journeys of discovery and education to understand the world we live in and to be able to define with greater awareness what humanity we want to become.

Green educational itineraries and trips

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From the bottom up: citizens and associations, together for Earth!

Don’t ask yourself what Trentino can do for you, ask yourself what you can do for Trentino... Famous quotes aside, it’s true that local associations and organisations here are more active than ever! From young people who organise under the name Dai neta! - Dai, pulisci! in group outings to collect waste in nature, participatory environmental analyses, as well as discussions and training, to the careful and passionate management of the vital local wetlands, such as the Taio biotope, in the Adige Valley, or the Pra dall’Albi biotope, in Villa Lagarina, where amphibians and reptiles reproduce, and many species of Alpine birds find refuge.

From making cities more sustainable and livable to coordinating to unite villages and valleys through cultural and spiritual paths, such as the San Rocco, Rovereto - Vallagarina - Montebondone Trail, this land reflects and works on itself, offering a concrete example of acting locally while thinking globally.

Sustainable experiences

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Rovereto Sostenibile

GSTC –  In the first sustainable tourist district

In an era in which greenwashing makes it very difficult for citizens to consciously orient themselves in the labyrinth of offers and proposals that bombard us every day, clarity of intent and transparency of information have an unprecedented value. The Rovereto, Vallagarina and Montebondone district is more committed than ever to offering a detailed overview of the ongoing work on environmental and social sustainability, taking stock of the steps taken and those to be taken.

Tourists and visitors can choose where to go and what to do based on recognised certifications - from local to national - and accurate lists of facilities, organisations and tourism operators that implement good practices and stand as examples of responsible and sustainable tourism. On the websites and in the tourist offices you can also find all the guidelines for sector companies and professionals, as well as the recommendations for a conscious and participatory use of the land by residents and visitors.


On the road to sustainability

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Published on 28/01/2025