From the bottom up: citizens and associations, together for Earth!
Don’t ask yourself what Trentino can do for you, ask yourself what you can do for Trentino... Famous quotes aside, it’s true that local associations and organisations here are more active than ever! From young people who organise under the name Dai neta! - Dai, pulisci! in group outings to collect waste in nature, participatory environmental analyses, as well as discussions and training, to the careful and passionate management of the vital local wetlands, such as the Taio biotope, in the Adige Valley, or the Pra dall’Albi biotope, in Villa Lagarina, where amphibians and reptiles reproduce, and many species of Alpine birds find refuge.
From making cities more sustainable and livable to coordinating to unite villages and valleys through cultural and spiritual paths, such as the San Rocco, Rovereto - Vallagarina - Montebondone Trail, this land reflects and works on itself, offering a concrete example of acting locally while thinking globally.