12 Blue Flags awarded to Trentino lakes

The 12 Blue Flag beaches on Trentino’s lakes and the Five Sails award for Molveno and Ledro

Valsugana - Lago di Caldonazzo

SUMMER 2024 - Trentino is waving a lot of blue flags! A whopping 12 Blue Flags have been awarded to Trentino beaches along a total of nine lakes that have been honoured by this prestigious award by the F.E.E.(Foundation for Environmental Education) in 2024. 

  • The Blue Flags of Caldonazzo Lake with the beaches of Lido, Tenna, San Cristoforo and Calceranica;
  • Levico Lake;

  • Beach of Roncone Lake in Sella Giudicarie;

  • Porto Camarelle beach on Lake Idro;

  • The Lido Bertoldi beach of Lake Lavarone;

  • The beaches of the lakes of Serraia and Delle Piazze in the municipality of Bedollo;

  • Lake Tenno, close to Lake Garda;
  • Lake Terlago, in Valle dei Laghi

The 12 awarded beaches

  • Località Piazze, at Piazze Lake (municipality of Bedollo)
  • Spiaggia Lido/Alberon/Bar Spiaggia, at Serraia Lake (municipality of Baselga di Piné)
  • San Cristoforo al Lago, at Caldonazzo Lake (municipality of Pergine Valsugana)
  • Spiaggia di Levico, at Levico Lake (municipality of Levico Terme)
  • Lido/Spiaggetta, at Caldonazzo Lake (municipality of Caldonazzo)
  • Lidi Alle Barche/Al Pescatore/Riviera, at Caldonazzo Lake (municipality of Calceranica al Lago)
  • Spiaggia di Tenna, at Caldonazzo Lake (municipality of Tenna)
  • Lido Marzari, at Lake Lavarone (municipality of Lavarone)
  • Spiaggia Roncone, at Lake Roncone (municipality of Sella Giudicarie)
  • Porto Camarelle, at Lake Idro (municipality of Bondone)
  • Spiaggia Grande, at Lake Tenno (municipality of Tenno)
  • Lido Terlago - Tre Faggi, at Lake Terlago (municipality of Vallelaghi)

What does a “Blue Flag” mean?

It means that the water we bathe in meets quality standards. The water must respect rigid chemical parameters that are periodically monitored: no wastewaters, clean beaches and strict control of inflow. The Blue Flag is an international award, established in 1987, European Year of the Environment. Every year it is presented to municipalities and tourist destinations across 49 countries both in Europe and across the world.

Blue Flags awarded to Trentino lakes

Five Sails for Molveno: Italy’s most beautiful lake destination

The 2024 Blue Guide from Legambiente and the Italian Touring Club has given Trentino’s Municipality of Molveno first place in its ranking of lake destinations. This is the highest form of recognition for the ability to successfully combine exceptional places and destinations with courageous and innovative strategies for sustainable development.

It is confirmation of Molveno’s status as a trailblazer in the “slow revolution” that seeks to rethink strategies for developing tourism in the area and place a cap on tourist numbers, putting in place a study to identify the 'perfect number' of visitors to ensure a balance between the inhabitants of the town, visitors to it and the environment itself.

Another lake destination in Trentino which has received this recognition is Ledro, located on the lake of the same name, ranked in fifth place.

Dolomiti Paganella - Dolomiti di Brenta - Lago di Molveno

297 lakes in Trentino

A true land of lakes, in Trentino you can count 297 of them. An eye for sustainability, attention to the environment and quality services are key. The best-known is without a doubt Lake Garda, renowned throughout the world for its ample beaches, sailing and windsurfing. But that’s only part of it.

The mountain lakes are been sought after too, jewels embraced by green woodlands and high peaks, bodies of crystal clear waters, such as the lakes of Smeraldo, Tovel, Molveno, Nero and Tenno.

Here are the lakes!

Lake Caldonazzo - A water sports paradise

Lake Caldonazzo - A water sports paradise

A paradise for watersports

Lake Levico

Lake Levico

A lake surrounded by greenery where you can find peace and relaxation

Lake Lavarone - On Freud’s footsteps

Lake Lavarone - On Freud’s footsteps

The charm of a small lake of very ancient origins

Piazze Lake | © Foto Archivio Apt Pinè e Cembra

Piazze Lake

Piazze Lake and Serraia Lake are like twin pearls

Serraia Lake | © Foto Archivio Apt Pinè e Cembra

Serraia Lake

This charming lake is a perfect destination for adults and...

Lake Idro - A dive into adventure  | © Foto Archivio Consorzio Turistico Valle del Chiese

Lake Idro - A dive into adventure

Discover a place with historical and environmental riches to be...

Lago di Roncone

Lago di Roncone

The highly evocative little Roncone Lake lies amidst meadows and...

Lake Tenno - A turquoise diamond

Lake Tenno - A turquoise diamond

A turquoise lake, born of a painter’s palette

Lago di Terlago

Lago di Terlago

Lake Terlago - Trentino's most thriving lake ecosystem