The beauty of having fun in the woods

Summer activities with children immersed in Trentino’s natural beauty

When children return from Trentino, their eyes sparkle with memories of green meadows and mountain landscapes – so much so that perhaps they’ll even attempt to seek out what they’ve seen here in the small park near their house.

The park’s high slide becomes a Dolomite peak, like the one they scaled on holiday with their dad. The grass near the swings becomes the meadow of the mountain dairy, like the one they saw carpeted with colourful flowers and cows lazily grazing. Enjoying such memorable experiences enriches your child’s imagination enormously.

Below, we've put together a list of some fun activities to do with your kids. All are in nature, and all are designed to let you share the experience and develop a greater understanding of the animal and plant life to be found in Trentino’s woods.


A cow…in the family

It's called “Adopt a Cow” – a fun initiative set up in Valsugana. You can adopt a cow, visit her while she’s grazing in her mountain pasture, and take home the cheeses made in the mountain dairy from her milk. They’re sure to have a truly unique flavour!


The marmots path

This excursion in the Val di Fassa, led by Mountain Guides, is easy and suitable for everyone (starting from 3 years old), especially for those who love marmots. They will be so close that you can hear their sharp whistle and see their clumsy runs on the alpine meadows of Ciampac. Available from July to September.


This isn’t Snow White's apple!

Non Valley’s “Adopt an Apple Tree” initiative offers you a great opportunity to own an apple tree, name it, and go and see it festooned with apples at harvest time. Eating an apple picked from your own tree is a priceless experience!


Baby Forest Bathing

In ‘The Breath Park’, forest bathing has been designed with children in mind as well: they can listen to short stories and legends through wireless headphones, collect items from the undergrowth, and walk barefoot on a sensory path featuring hay, pebbles, bark and grass.


Breakfast on the grass

Like a picnic, but much more beautiful! Because you’ll enjoy it immersed in the wonder of the Adamello Brenta Natural Park, where you can admire the stunning peaks of the Brenta Dolomites. And where the milk, jam and bread possess a truly special taste

Published on 05/06/2024