Fall in love with falls

Vallesinella, Val Brenta and Val Genova: surrounded by nature

If you find rejuvenation among forests and waterfalls, you simply can’t leave Madonna di Campiglio without making one extra stop, which includes a short walk on foot. By stopping off at Madonna di Campiglio, you can dedicate a full day to visiting Vallesinella, Val Brenta and Val Genova, and their spectacular waterfalls.


The Vallesinella waterfalls

Your detour starts in Madonna di Campiglio: you’ll find directions to Vallesinella in the centre of town. In summer, the road is closed to non-residential vehicle traffic and a shuttle bus is available to take you to your destination. As you are travelling by bike, you will have no problem getting through and reaching the end of the road, but we recommend proceeding on foot from there unless you have a mountain bike.

The Vallesinella waterfalls, formed by the Sarca river, have an upper, middle and lower part. A boardwalk allows you to visit them in all their glory, as well as offering some excellent angles for photographs. The trail continues towards the rest of the falls, but the journey to reach them would take you an entire day. So, we suggest that you turn around at this point and head back to your bike, before descending first into Campiglio and then towards Malga Brenta Bassa.

The Do-Ga cycling route: Vallesinella, Val Brenta and Val di Genova

Val Brenta

In early summer, Val Brenta is a riot of colours: the yellow buttercups blooming in the fields, the dense green spruce forests, and even the light beige walls of the Brenta mountains themselves. If you want to treat your feet to a break, try the barefoot trail of Dolomiti Natural Wellness, which will even have you dipping them in the nearby river.

When it’s time to climb back on your bike, head back up to Sant'Antonio di Mavignola to rejoin the Do-Ga cycling route towards Pinzolo.

The Do-Ga cycling route: Vallesinella, Val Brenta and Val di Genova

Val di Genova

From Pinzolo, you can set out towards Val di Genova. You are passing from the domain of dolomite rock to the realm of granite: the dichotomy that defines the Adamello-Brenta Park, which features two geologically different territories, both home to a wealth of biodiversity.

Val di Genova ends with steep slopes below the ridge of the Adamello group. The entire valley can be travelled by bike, down to the very bottom. We recommend visiting it all, to experience all the wonders of its nature and landscapes.

At the start of the valley, the awe-inspiring Nardis Waterfall is worth making a stop; you can also visit it on your way back.

After a long day in the saddle, it’s time to take a break. You can spend the night in Pinzolo, Val Rendena’s charming main town, which is also suitable for family holidays. Tomorrow, another climb awaits you — on your way to the Daone Pass.

Madonna di Campiglio - Val Rendena - Pinzolo - Pista ciclabile

Discover the full DoGa route

by bike
Published on 06/06/2023