MUSE is 10 years old and it's having a big party

The date is 22 July for 10 non-stop hours of events

SUMMER 2023 – The date is 22 July 2023, to celebrate the tenth birthday of MUSE, the Museo delle Scienze di Trento (Trento's great Science Museum), together.

Ten years which have changed the face of the city. Starting with its appearance, because the museum's avant-garde building designed by famous architect Renzo Piano, is certainly not one which goes unnoticed. But that's not all. From 2013 to today a grand total of 4 million people have visited MUSE, making it to all intents and purposes a must for all visitors to Trentino.

Sustainability, climate change, co-existence between human beings and animals: a great many themes have been examined in these years in an engaging and innovative way, in events, meetings, workshops and celebrations, just like the 22 July 2023 event we're inviting you to for MUSE's birthday.

MUSE is celebrating its 10th birthday with a big party

The 22 July party, an event-packed day

A whole day of celebrations with a great many events reflecting the spirit of MUSE, a curious, lively and original museum. Ten hours of non-stop events starting in the afternoon with... and going on late into the night when the party ends with a Colla Zio concert and a DJ set.

The event begins at 4 pm with “The Best of MUSE Party”: experiments, interactive games and scientific shows to help visitors learn more about nature, science and environmental sustainability. Then, at 7 pm, MUSE's gardens will come alive with street artists and their circus and acrobatic performances, juggling and clowns. And there'll also be talks with leading figures from the field of research, communication, scientific exploration, sport and nature (from 8.30 pm).

And the after-dinner events will begin with a documentary “10 anni di MUSE” (10 years of MUSE) at 9.30 pm, followed by a wonderful theater show with Marta Cuscunà's mechanical creatures, entitled "Corvidae. Sguardi di specie" (Corvidae. Species Visions) (10 pm).

And it'll be a spectacular night with an aerial dance performance and videomapping, telling Planet Earth's story from its beginnings to today, with a glance at the future too. The evening ends musically with the Colla Zio concert (11.30 pm) and DJ set which will go on late into the night.


MUSE is celebrating its 10th birthday with a big party

Other appointments, before and after the party

Celebrations for MUSE's tenth birthday have already started, with a packed program of exhibitions and events: until 5 November 2023, you can visit the "Wild City. Storie di natura urbana" (Urban Nature Story) exhibition which looks at four themes that are essential for understanding the new urban ecosystem using stories of fauna and flora assisted by finds and multimedia: the threats, obstacles and, by contrast, opportunities that the city generates for the other non-human beings; the city environment as evolution driver; positive interactions, conflict and co-existence between humans and other species in the urban context.

Instead, as of June, MUSE will also be hosting the photographic exhibition "Deserto Italia" (Desert Italy) which looks at the issue of climate change by analyzing certain landscapes, from north to south in areas where the 'wounds' inflicted by the climate are particularly tangible (glaciers, rivers, lakes, fires, ski resorts, fields and mines).

Then, in September, the great themed exhibition Sciamani (Shamans) will begin, in partnership with Rovereteo's Mart and METS – Museo Etnografico Trentino San Michele (the Trentino San Michele Ethnographic Museum).

Finally, from 12 July, just a stone's throw away from the museum, at Palazzo delle Albere, you can visit the "Anima Mundi" exhibition, a museum experience that focuses on life's cycles and its eternal renewal. Opposites which meet and move matter, spirit and energy within the kaleidoscope of metamorphosis that constitutes the soul of the world.

An event-packed 2023 to celebrate an active, attractive and memorable museum's 10 years in the best possible way!

MUSE is celebrating its 10th birthday with a big party

Trento's MUSE

Dinosaurs, primitive man, mammals, glaciers, forests and lots more to discover: this great science museum, one of the most interesting in Europe, strikes visitors right from the outset, with its innovative architecture designed by the archistar Renzo Piano, conjuring up the profile of Trentino's mountains.

Then, when you go in, you find that there is so much to explore. From Maxi Ooh!, a space dedicated to children (0-5), to workshops and interactive installations. A walk through the tropical greenhouse is also a must, a chance to breathe in the air of an uncontaminated corner of Tanzania with the sound of a crashing waterfall.

Lastly, there a wealth of events, varying by season, temporary exhibitions, scientific activities and experiences, in an all-encompassing journey which tells the story of life on Earth, with a view to the great themes, both local and global, to build a better future together.



Archivio MUSE (Muse archive), photo by Enrico Pretto

Archivio MUSE (Muse archive), photo by Giulia Curti

Archivio MUSE (Muse archive), photo by Matteo De Stefano

Ten years of MUSE

Ten years of MUSE

Find out more
Published on 12/06/2023