Piazze Lake

Piazze Lake and Serraia Lake are like twin pearls

Piazze Lake #1 | © APT Piné Cembra- Lago delle Piazze - Ph. S. Carlesso
Piazze Lake #1
Piazze Lake #2 | ©  APT Piné Cembra - photo P. Fiorini
Piazze Lake #2
Piazze Lake #3 | © APT Piné Cembra - photo I. Albertini
Piazze Lake #3
Piazze Lake #4 | © Foto Archivio Apt Pinè e Cembra
Piazze Lake #4
Piazze Lake #5 | © Foto Archivio Apt Pinè e Cembra
Piazze Lake #5

Piazze Lake, in the municipality of Bedollo, and Serraia Lake are like twin pearls. Piazze Lake, awarded with the Blue Flag, is an important element of the Piné landscape. In the hot summer months, it is highly appreciated by water sports enthusiasts and those who enjoy sunbathing on the green meadows around the lake. An interesting walk can be taken right round the lake.

  • dog friendly

Contact & Directions

Azienda per il Turismo Trento
Via C. Battisti, 110
38042 Baselga di Pinè , Italy

Weather Altopiano di Piné and Valle di Cembra

Max Temp. (C): 16°
Temp. Min. (C): 12°
Sep 27
Max Temp. (C): 19°
Temp. Min. (C): 12°
Sep 28
Max Temp. (C): 18°
Temp. Min. (C): 8°
Trentino Weather forecast

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