Per Via – Tesino Museum of Prints and Pedlars

The museum introduces visitors to a distinctive occupation that no longer exists and tells them some little-known stories about it.

Per Via – Tesino Museum of Prints and Pedlars #1
Per Via – Tesino Museum of Prints and Pedlars #1
Per Via – Tesino Museum of Prints and Pedlars #2
Per Via – Tesino Museum of Prints and Pedlars #2
Per Via – Tesino Museum of Prints and Pedlars #3
Per Via – Tesino Museum of Prints and Pedlars #3
Per Via – Tesino Museum of Prints and Pedlars #4
Per Via – Tesino Museum of Prints and Pedlars #4
Per Via – Tesino Museum of Prints and Pedlars #5
Per Via – Tesino Museum of Prints and Pedlars #5
Per Via – Tesino Museum of Prints and Pedlars #6
Per Via – Tesino Museum of Prints and Pedlars #6

This museum tells the story of travelling vendors who sold art prints all over the world.

Casa Buffa Giacantoni in Pieve Tesino’s old town centre was home to print sellers for generations. The building has been uninhabited since the 1960s and it now plays an invaluable role documenting Pieve Tesino’s social history. It is home to the PER VIA Museum, where visitors can learn about the epic deeds of pedlars from Pieve Tesino. They travelled all over the world selling art prints, opened shops in distant lands and some of them even became publishers.

The exhibition shows things from different perspectives: as well as telling the tale of the men, who set out and made some unbelievable journeys on foot, it looks at the experiences of their families, who stayed behind in their home towns and villages and had to take on the equally tough challenges of life in the mountains. The museum is run by the Fondazione Trentina Alcide De Gasperi.

Contact & Directions

Museo Per Via
Via Alcide De Gasperi, 6/A
38050 Pieve Tesino

Weather Valsugana

Max Temp. (C): 18°
Temp. Min. (C): 9°
Oct 01
Max Temp. (C): 16°
Temp. Min. (C): 9°
Oct 02
Max Temp. (C): 15°
Temp. Min. (C): 11°
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